From the bestselling and award-winning original creator of  Winter Bugs! book, exhibit, film, art cards, Photo Traders™, and photographs, Lisa Loucks-Christenson is accepting pre-orders for her long-awaited book, Summer Bugs!

Sold through Peacock Exclusives Collection™a brand of Peacock Books & Wildlife Art by Lisa Loucks-Christenson.

Merchandise and book, art, cards, photos, Photo Traders™ can be ordered at

           (888) 983-3085

Summer Bugs! Gallery Edition $75 USD /Hardcover

Winter Bugs! Gallery Edition $75 USD /Hardcover  

The first edition of Winter Bugs! sold out in 2006. 

          A Lisa Loucks-Christenson Documentary

These books are written, photographed and illustrated by Lisa Loucks-Christenson. 

Copyright © 2005-2024 Lisa Loucks-Christenson All Rights Reserved